Category: Acies 2024
TEAM Retreat
On June 17, the Arlington Regia Legion of Mary is hosting a Teenage Enrichment for the Apostolate of Mary (TEAM) retreat at Holy Trinity Jubilee Park. Below is the flyer with more information.
Acies for Attached Councils
Fairfax Comitium: Saint Veronica in Chantilly, VA on March 25 from 11:00am to 3:00 pm Potomac Comitium : March 25 starting at 9:00am With Mass and reception after Acies in Holy Family Parish in Dale City Prince William Hispanic Comitium March 25 From 10:30 am to 3:00 pm in Sacred Heart Parish in Winchester Baltimore Comitium…
New Meeting Place
Effective March 2023, the Arlington Regia meetings will be held at the Hispanic Apostolate across the parking lot from St. Thomas More Cathedral. They will still be held on the 1st Sunday at 2PM.
The Arlington Regia Legion of Mary is holding its Acies on March 26 at Saint Mary of Sorrows Catholic Church in Fairfax, VA. Below is the flyer with more information.
Young Adult Retreat
The Legion of Mary Arlington Regia is holding its Young Adult Retreat on July 9 at Holy Trinity Jubilee Park at 11AM. Below is the flyer with more details.
T.E.A.M. Retreat
The Legion of Mary Fairfax Comitium is holding the 30th annual T.E.A.M. Retreat for teenagers on June 25 at 8AM at Holy Trinity Jubilee Park. Below is the flyer with more details and the registration form.
Regia Retreat April 2022
The Legion of Mary Arlington Regia is holding a retreat from April 8-10 at Loyola on the Potomac in Faulkner, MD. Below is the registration flyer.
Acies 2022
The Arlington Regia of the Legion of Mary is holding the Acies on March 26, 2022 at 11AM at St. Mary of Sorrows in Fairfax, VA. For more information see the below flyer.
Frank Duff Mass
The Legion of Mary Arlington Regia is hosting the 2021 Frank Duff Mass at Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church in Arlington, VA on Wednesday, November 3 starting at 6:30. Below is the flyer with more information.