Category: FAQ
Q: What different types of Legion membership exist?
A: The two primary classes of Legion membership are active members and auxiliary members. Active members attend a Legion meeting once a week and perform works of service (typically about 2 hours a week). Auxiliary members instead pray the rosary and the prayers of the Legion of Mary (the Tessera) for the intentions of the…
Q: Who is eligible to join the Legion of Mary?
A: The Legion of Mary is open to all Catholics in good standing with a desire to serve Our Lord Jesus Christ through the intercession of his Blessed Mother Mary. Catholics 18 years of age or older can join adult praesidia whereas Catholics younger than 18 years of age can join junior Legion of Mary…
Q: I would like to join the Legion of Mary. How can I find out if there is a praesidium (Legion group) near me?
A: If you live in Northern Virginia, a listing of praesidia inside the beltway can be found here. A listing of praesidia for the Fairfax Curia (covering part of Fairfax, Loudon, and Prince William counties) can be found here. If you live in the Tidewater area in southeastern Virginia, you can find a listing of…
Q: What is the purpose of the Legion of Mary?
A: The primary purpose of the Legion of Mary is to lead people to Jesus Christ so they can benefit from the love and mercy of God. Specifically, the Legion of Mary seeks to lead the people we encounter in our works to a greater knowledge and faith in God and to increase the faith…
Q: What works does the Legion of Mary undertake?
A: Regular works for the Legion of Mary include door to door evangelization, nursing home visitation, prison ministry, teaching RCIA and other religious education classes, visiting new parishioners and parish families with newly baptized babies, crowd contact and distributing Catholic literature, bringing the Pilgrim Virgin statue of the Blessed Mother to houses to consecrate them,…