The Legion of Mary in Collaboration with Holy Trinity Jubilee Park, Inc.
Blessed Carlo Acutis: A Techie Saint for Teens
8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Join us for a day long outdoor retreat filled with prayers, skits, fun games, and other exciting activities. The fee includes a full day of fun retreat and snacks. Please bring bag lunch, water, rosary and bug spray. Wear rubber shoes, pants, and modest outfit, no flip-flops.
For more information, call:
Dr. Seggy Acosta (703)392-6420 or Irving Vargas(571)799-6968
Cost: $ 35.00 per child $60.00 per family (2 or more kids)
$ 45.00 (late registration after Friday, May 31, 2024)
Please make check payable to: Holy Trinity Jubilee Park Inc.
Credit cards accepted. Scholarships available based on financial needs. Call Dr. Acosta for both.
Send Payment, Registration Form/ Liability Release form to: Holy Trinity Jubilee Park Inc. c/o Trinidad Tonolete 10260 Greystone Road, Manassas, VA 20111 407 ALDIE ROAD, CATHARPIN, VA. 20143